Hello Monday!
Another weekend filled of drunkenness and lots of sleeping. I’m living out of my bag and by the time I get home I just throw all of my clothes in the washer and keep wearing the same clothes over and over again. I have a so many clothes they barely all fit in my closet. Why do I keep wearing the same stuff?? Lol weird.
I was really excited to sleep in my own bed last night; it had been like 6 days. I stay with random friends through out the week b/c I don’t see any point of coming home to sleep for five hours if I go out, have dance, or yoga, by the time I get done its late. I probably should get my own place but I hate paying for rent but I’m just there to sleep, but I really miss my bed. Its magical, cozy, the best bed ever.Pretty much anyone who has had the opportunity to sleep in my bed falls in love w/ it. Like whenever I went out of town my old roommate told me she would sleep in it.
Yep, that’s me being cocky about my bed.
So, I meet this boy like a month ago. He’s a little confusing; we have miscommunications like - a lot. I’m really busy, he’s really busy, we’re too much a like, yet very different, he’s hot and then cold and we’re having trouble getting on the same page. BUT I really like him and I’m hoping good things happen…. =) If anything i've already learned a few life lessons from him, he's inspiring and thats what I really dig about him. Maybe I'm just finally growing up and seeing things a little different. Either way, its really nice.
Ha. But just reading my review of him he we sound silly together.
So, yesterday was another perfect Sunday.
Lunch w/ my sister and her family.
Coffee and sticks.
Fun convo’s.
Movie w/ my parents.
It’s been pre decided for me by my lovely nieces and nephews over lunch yesterday that I will:
Not be marrying Spiderman. We’re not right for each other because, I only practice cooking once a week and Spiderman has to eat like twenty times a day. He’s a super hero, hello?! My nephew said I would be to jealous and I wouldn’t be able to play w/ all of his cool gadgets and computers b/c I wouldn’t know the passwords. Easy answer: Ilovemyfuturewifeabby.
So then it was decided Shilo Lebouf is a better match for me, same age, he has cool cars.
The conversation went something like this after the Spiderman lecture.
Gregory: Abby, you’re almost 24, it’s like the magical age you have to get married and grow up. You are messing everything up, you only get one chance. You could marry sandman, but the only bad deal is you wouldn’t be able to kiss.
Kim: No to sandman, you would get sand in all the wrong places.
Me: Not gonna work, I like kissing.
Helena: Ugh, Gregory you are so stupid. Some people never get married.
Me: Ya, I’m just planning on having three cats and using my oven as extra closet storage, and travel a lot. Faith you can house sit for me when I’m on vacation.
Faith: Oh, Abby, no, no, no! Marrying a Cat is serious business. Like serious. Why don’t you pick, like, ummm, you know someone human to marry.
Me: No, I said nothing about marrying a cat.
Faith: OH….followed by many giggles.
Gregory: Ok, so we can do this. We can come up with a really good plan. You know there are other options to have kids without getting married. Like I’ve learned about this in sex ed. You have eggs and they hatch, and when your ready you can go to the dr and pick out the kind of kid you want, and then - - - rudely interrupted
Kim: WHOA, whoa…WHOA. Abby does not want kids Gregory. We’ve been through this.
Gregory: What do you mean, like never ever?
Kim: Yep.
Me: Its going to have to grow on me, like maybe when I’m 30. Maybe.
Gregory: That weird, everyone wants kids, I even want kids someday. What if it happens by accident?
Me: Then I’ll deal with it….but that is a sweet way to tell some one you’re having a kid. Babe, my eggs hatched. Ha eww….this conversation has officially gone on way to long!!!
Gregory: Ok, lets go watch Indiana Jones.
Me: Deal!
So, tonight if it doesn’t get snowed out- church, and candle light flow yoga! I really wanna make a scrap page of words on my yellow paper, rock, and scissors bag. Its hard to scrapbook when you are living out of your ADIDAS bag.
I really like the new Katy Perry song.
I lost three books, I left them at work and they seriously disappeared.
I;m off of college this semester and it sucks, I miss it, and I miss complaining about how I hate it.
Another weekend filled of drunkenness and lots of sleeping. I’m living out of my bag and by the time I get home I just throw all of my clothes in the washer and keep wearing the same clothes over and over again. I have a so many clothes they barely all fit in my closet. Why do I keep wearing the same stuff?? Lol weird.
I was really excited to sleep in my own bed last night; it had been like 6 days. I stay with random friends through out the week b/c I don’t see any point of coming home to sleep for five hours if I go out, have dance, or yoga, by the time I get done its late. I probably should get my own place but I hate paying for rent but I’m just there to sleep, but I really miss my bed. Its magical, cozy, the best bed ever.Pretty much anyone who has had the opportunity to sleep in my bed falls in love w/ it. Like whenever I went out of town my old roommate told me she would sleep in it.
Yep, that’s me being cocky about my bed.
So, I meet this boy like a month ago. He’s a little confusing; we have miscommunications like - a lot. I’m really busy, he’s really busy, we’re too much a like, yet very different, he’s hot and then cold and we’re having trouble getting on the same page. BUT I really like him and I’m hoping good things happen…. =) If anything i've already learned a few life lessons from him, he's inspiring and thats what I really dig about him. Maybe I'm just finally growing up and seeing things a little different. Either way, its really nice.
Ha. But just reading my review of him he we sound silly together.
So, yesterday was another perfect Sunday.
Lunch w/ my sister and her family.
Coffee and sticks.
Fun convo’s.
Movie w/ my parents.
It’s been pre decided for me by my lovely nieces and nephews over lunch yesterday that I will:
Not be marrying Spiderman. We’re not right for each other because, I only practice cooking once a week and Spiderman has to eat like twenty times a day. He’s a super hero, hello?! My nephew said I would be to jealous and I wouldn’t be able to play w/ all of his cool gadgets and computers b/c I wouldn’t know the passwords. Easy answer: Ilovemyfuturewifeabby.
So then it was decided Shilo Lebouf is a better match for me, same age, he has cool cars.
The conversation went something like this after the Spiderman lecture.
Gregory: Abby, you’re almost 24, it’s like the magical age you have to get married and grow up. You are messing everything up, you only get one chance. You could marry sandman, but the only bad deal is you wouldn’t be able to kiss.
Kim: No to sandman, you would get sand in all the wrong places.
Me: Not gonna work, I like kissing.
Helena: Ugh, Gregory you are so stupid. Some people never get married.
Me: Ya, I’m just planning on having three cats and using my oven as extra closet storage, and travel a lot. Faith you can house sit for me when I’m on vacation.
Faith: Oh, Abby, no, no, no! Marrying a Cat is serious business. Like serious. Why don’t you pick, like, ummm, you know someone human to marry.
Me: No, I said nothing about marrying a cat.
Faith: OH….followed by many giggles.
Gregory: Ok, so we can do this. We can come up with a really good plan. You know there are other options to have kids without getting married. Like I’ve learned about this in sex ed. You have eggs and they hatch, and when your ready you can go to the dr and pick out the kind of kid you want, and then - - - rudely interrupted
Kim: WHOA, whoa…WHOA. Abby does not want kids Gregory. We’ve been through this.
Gregory: What do you mean, like never ever?
Kim: Yep.
Me: Its going to have to grow on me, like maybe when I’m 30. Maybe.
Gregory: That weird, everyone wants kids, I even want kids someday. What if it happens by accident?
Me: Then I’ll deal with it….but that is a sweet way to tell some one you’re having a kid. Babe, my eggs hatched. Ha eww….this conversation has officially gone on way to long!!!
Gregory: Ok, lets go watch Indiana Jones.
Me: Deal!
So, tonight if it doesn’t get snowed out- church, and candle light flow yoga! I really wanna make a scrap page of words on my yellow paper, rock, and scissors bag. Its hard to scrapbook when you are living out of your ADIDAS bag.
I really like the new Katy Perry song.
I lost three books, I left them at work and they seriously disappeared.
I;m off of college this semester and it sucks, I miss it, and I miss complaining about how I hate it.
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