Sunday, November 30, 2008

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Counting the months - - - - -

This might be a good investment-

The world is cruel lately just to my friends, and sometimes I just wanna slap these little sticky notes all over a select few faces. You know the people that hate their life so bad they try drag others down with them. This one person I know is just a down right horrible person who thinks they're god's gift to the world. I wish their reality check would bounce.

Anyways, Thanksgiving was lovely- I had it with my parents and then we trotted over to our neighbors, I seriously have gained 5lbs. I've been non-stop relaxing, eating, and re-organizing my goals. Its nice to have a break every now and then. The new paper crafts and Ready Made just came and I'm ready dig in and read them.
P.s. KU beat Mizzou ;)
Good game!

Monday, November 24, 2008

charming, isn't it?

Life is short,Break the rules,Forgive quickly,Kiss slowly,Love truly,Laugh uncontrollably,And never regret anything that made you smile.

Happy Monday,

Sunday, November 23, 2008


You should never read the book and then see the movie...I was really disappointed with the Twilight movie, and before everyone gets huffy puffy with me...the group I went with totally agreed. Hey! What can I say except the characters are way cooler in my head. Cheesy but overall good....but hello, Edward is some serious eye candy.

Thursday after dance I went to the Orpheum and watched It's a wonderful life, good stuff.

I spent the whole weekend at book stores, writing a paper, a Christmas tree lighting, Jason's deli, eating a lot in general, I overdosed on Starbucks, went to church, and just relaxed. It was lovely. Did I mention a bubble bath, ya that too.

Cheers to the start of a great week and a 3 day work week-


Friday, November 21, 2008

I'm pumped for Twilight tonight.

Have a great weekend,

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

my soon to be christmas cards-

Happy hump day,


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

make sense to me.

So life is good, I’ve been busy playing on the weekends to post all the grand stuff that has been happening to me, new people, new experiences, and new directions that I’ve finally found.

Yesterday was the perfect day minus not being able to watch the rain all day. It has to be one of my favorite things to indulge myself in, rain activities, such as: driving in the rain, reading, drinking coffee at some hidden away coffee house. The usual life of Abby I guess, but misty rain makes the day so much better…. sooooo much more inspiring. Sometimes, I secretly wish I lived in Seattle.

Ok, enough about rain. Yesterday, I went to a small group at my new church, I invited a friend and (insert friends name here- because I honestly don’t know if this friend wants their name on my blog yet; talk about shy right?! ) Anyway “friend” actually came! I wasn’t going to invite this “friend” because normally a big no would just pop out, but a surprising yes came out instead. It was fun and after we stopped by Barnes and Noble. I had so much homework to finish that I had to make us leave quickly. That could totally be my new routine on Mondays. Love it.

Matt Wertz new song -5:19 totally rocks, go check it out.
Some sweet stuff you need to check out: copy and paste baby, copy and paste.
And some crazy fun photographs you can find here:
Influence the new book by MK and Ashley Olsen is out, I flipped through it last night, I can’t wait to order my own copy.
Ku is having a fashion show and guess who is the guest judge?? Christian Siriano, who was winner of season four project runway!

have a lovely day,


Monday, November 10, 2008

October 31st 2008- So before I got ready for Halloween I walked around my little town and captured fall with my mom's new camera. My Halloween photos are not back yet, but I can't wait to share my crazy costume with you!
Its all rainy and gray again =(
Have a wonderful week,

Thursday, November 6, 2008

nothing great-


I'm drinking a mint mocha from starbucks and it is delish!

I'm in need of a good!

I'm busy with the norm- School, lab, teaching dance, drinking coffee.



Wednesday, November 5, 2008

here are my thoughts and Ben's:

"Applause waits on success." - Benjamin Franklin

I will applause after the success...Obama has showed us nothing yet, he hasn't changed anything...he's just talked it up; he says he's is going to change- OK, lets see it. I'll give him a chance because that's what I do when I don't have any other choice.

I voted for McCain, I started out pro Obama, then I did some research. Things CHANGED for me.

I really don't want to talk smack on anyone, I just don't have a good feeling about this, and I pray to GOD that I am wrong.

My other thoughts: ALI EDWARDS, she opened her blog up on this topic and quickly closed the comments on her page. Then picked which comments she wanted to leave both good/bad. Not trying to be mean but its a blog let them post the good stuff, the bad stuff, the ugly. Who cares?! If you were trying to avoid the subject; you wouldn't have posted about it it to begin with and closed the comments before you posted it. We don't have to agree on everything, people need to grow up, be respectful and move on. Some people even posted about being disappointed, they thought it was a scrapbooking blog....silly them. So let them leave your blog, move on.


Venting I am, but just because I don't agree with her doesn't make her a bad person and it certainly doesn't mean I'm going to stop visiting her site. COME ON PEOPLE.

So my message to both Ali and bloggers on her site:
Ali- leave your comments up, ALL of them, its fun to read everyone's thoughts on it.
Bloggers that comment: be nice, but say how you feel.

Everything does happen for a reason, good, bad, evil, presidents,war, winners,losers. Only God knows, you just have to see his red flags, the warning signs.

This election has changed my views on America, on several things, more than anything I'm ready to start living life full of adventure and debt free.

Life really is 2 short, stop complaining.

So on a positive note: I voted For McCain, He's a good guy, old ;) but genuine. I'm not going to say anything else negative about this subject. I'm walking away and taking some action on my own life with the logo "change". Change, not for Obama, just change for my and your life. You have to make the positive change, start living it to the fullest.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

November 04-2008

November 04: vote
The best way you have of voicing your opinion in a way that can matter. Nothing's perfect, and there's always going to be mistakes, but there is simply no excuse for not casting a ballot for what you believe in. Take the time to understand the issues and then take the time to vote. Don't let people who aren't going to be around four years from now decide your future? Complaining without voting is worse than any hanging Chad.
My conscience is clear because I took the time to vote. Don't worry about rocking the vote, just vote!

I’ve been busy, out of town, and enjoying life to its fullest. I’ve turned my brain off “thinking mode” and I’m just enjoying life like I use to; happy go lucky version.

I have several emails I need to reply to (SORRY TO ALL) I’ve just taken a break from the computer; it tends to sucks up all of my time if I’m not careful.

I have some great fall photo’s I took this weekend….

I’m looking into buying a classy, fun, hopefully old desk =) I can repair and make it look amazing.

Don’t forget to vote-

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