Wednesday, January 14, 2009

oh so radical.

Hello Music!
Really random-

I find it really funny how kids think, I look forward to dance classes just because of the weird conversations we have like this:

Allison: Abby, do you have a mom?
Grace: Of course she has a mom, everyone has a mom.
Taylor: Umm…some people don’t.
Grace: yes, they do.
Allison: So, what’s your mom’s name?
Me: Trudy.
Allison: Trudy…hmmm that doesn’t really seem like an Abby mom name.
Grace: NO! You’re lying…I know who your real mom is.
Sierra: ME TOO.
Me: WHO?!
Grace: It’s Hillary. She’s your mom, it just makes sense.
Taylor: Ohhhh yeahhhh HILLARY, how cool. You guys are the coolest!
Me: Hillary is not my mom….you guys are crazy??
Grace: Well if she isn’t your mom…is she your sister?

Seriously funny…you had to be there.

I could really go for and iced passion tea from Starbucks.
I stayed out way 2 late for a week night and drank way 2 many Mojitos, but it was really fun.
I’m learning to trust people after 23 years. I’m also learning to not play games. It feels really good.
I’m feeling vampire white...too white…maybe I should tan a few times?
I also really like it when people surprise me at work and drop me off my favorite made up flavor of ice cream from Cold Stone.
I wish it was Friday so I could be at my sisters working on Project Australia, playing apples to apples with my niece, and learning how to make the best pizza ever.

And for have such a blah hump day these txt’s make me giggle…maybe a little too much.

“You’re icecream smells like heaven!”

“I bet your name is secretly Abby Obama Ready you love change so much.”

“I got excited and slipped on it”

“Sexellenet baby girl. Very sexellent.”

“Its mid January random ass”

“My little Abby dearest, that is absolutely astounding.”

“Do I really want to ask…How did you lose your pants?”

Ummm…ya I’m really bored. Back to work??


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