Just my thoughts:
I was driving to work this morning airport road (which is my favorite choice while driving to work), watching the sun rise, windows down, feeling the breeze, jacks mannequin's new cd playing in the background...I felt totally content. Totally confident that change was going to come, soon. When I say soon, SOON as in ready to finish out my job until summer, add some more hours to my school schedule in the spring, and move. I'm trying to weigh everything out and decide whats best: move to Lawrence, or stay here and finish school. Its a big decision. I have a lot of choices to make. I've been trying to think positive because I might have to leave some things behind, some friends, family, and make a new life and that is just plain scary. I love adventures, music, KU, school, people, books, culture. Each time I go to Lawrence it feels like my second home, it just lacks my family and friends. I wish I could say I should have just picked up moved, went away to college when I was 18; like everyone else. I could have have, I didn't want to miss out on teaching dance, family stuff, and I didn't want to live in dorms or have room mates right away.
I don't regret anything. I'm happy with all of the decisions made, all of the memories good and bad. I've grown & now I think I'm ready. Ready to finish, ready to graduate, ready for more fun, more great life experiences. I sound like I'm really old and I've wasted a lot of time;p but I'm only twenty three. ha.
I'm just ready, ready for a break, ready for change. Ready to have more time for stuff like scrap booking. I dream about it, but on the list of things to do, its last.
I'm having some minor surgery tomorrow. I'm now feeling very confident and at ease about it, I won't talk about how unsure I was feeling before. I bought two books yesterday to help pass the time for recovery.
Click on the pic to head to the Poppy Talk blog.

I'm also a big fan of Halloween. Dressing up is so much fun! I love looking at costumes online, I want to be ummmm...everything?! I've been checking into costumes like Alice in Wonderland, The Queen of hearts, a bunny (just a mask, see below), a pumpkin, a witch, Jack Sparrow (see the cute painted face below too), Frankenstein's Bride, a mad scientist. The list goes on!! I don't really have any plans for going out on halloween like I did last year, I think we're going to go to The Orpheum and catch old halloween flicks...very low keyed, and no costume needed...but hello Halloween is on a friday this year!!!

I will leave you with some uplifting Dr. Seuss quotes that have really inspired me this week!
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, And that enables you to laugh at life's realities.
-Dr. Seuss
Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.
- Dr. Seuss
You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.
-Dr. Seuss
Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.
-Dr. Seuss
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