I now have a new addition to my office; A coffee pot. Congratulating me would seriously be an understatement. The coffee pot is out of this world, its brand new, and the best part: it was free. My mom’s friend Mary was getting rid of it because her husband likes to pull the pot out in the middle of it making fresh pot of coffee, and place his coffee cup under as it drips. Apparently this smart little machine locks the pot in while it is brewing. Mary’s husband might have a weird habit, maybe not ha-ha, but yay for me!

I don’t know how or why but I received a Sundance catalog. I wish I could buy everything, but I’m a poor college student. So, I’m thinking about making some stuff similar to below and hitting up Kay Wiggins for the pieces!

I went to The Cab concert on Saturday up in Lawrence at the bottleneck. Live music rocks my socks, I’m a band nerd, always have been always will be. When the time is right I really want to move there.
I’ve been surrounding by people with strep throat, hey! It’s my job, and I’m finally trying really hard to come down with it. I hope I can kick it before the weekend.
Tonight is homework night, lots of reading, quizzes, and lectures.
I’m also hitting up shutterfly after this weekend so hopefully I can set down and actually make a few more pages. I can at least handle making one page a week right ;) RIGHT.....
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