Friday, September 12, 2008

Have you heard? Kansas is the new Seattle.

It’s been raining for like the past week strait. No sunshine, just gloomy weather. Today they’re even letting schools out early because of all the flooding going on.

Bessie, (That’s the name of my little grandma car I drive) is totally badass. She’s been with me since my first year of college and is still kicking. She went swimming today, and she’s not very found of water. I even called work about twenty minutes before eight, letting them know I would probably be late; because just on a normal day, Kellogg is always backed up. Let’s just say I thought Bessie and I were going to drown at one point in time on a side street; so I drove half on the curb/someone’s yard until I could go no further due to a mailbox. We made it; we even made it on time! I was thankful and dry, Bessie was hyperventilating a little. Shorty after I arrived my mom called me and said C-town is even flooding so badly, people can’t get to work now! She called to tell me I might be stuck up here!

Of course I don’t have my camera with me to take all these action shots. So, I borrowed a photo from kake.

In other news not obsessing with weather:
I went shopping last night and bought a ton of goodies at target; some comfy shirts, a sweater….All so stylish and cheap. I also purchased a couple shirts, a pair of peacock earrings, and a peacock bangle from Von Maur. =)

I have a ton of homework, but if I can make it home; today would be the perfect day to scrapbook in-between.

I love this girl’s collection of photographs.

Peace out,

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