Monday, September 29, 2008
Went to the downtown Warren and caught a flick: Eagle Eye.
Went on a little walk that ended up turning to to quick an adventure, finding a really cool park with amazing paths. It almost felt like you were out in the middle of the woods!
Finished most of my homework, now I just have a test tonight.
I crashed around 230a.m. & had to get up at 6am...still not tired. =)
I have surgery on thursday and i'm hoping for a quick recovery.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I totally hate you...kidding.
Crazy stuff: I got on Pete Wentz blog, random because I normally don't stalk blogs...I forget guys like him have blogs ;) Anyways, enough rambling. SO, I GOT ON HIS BLOG shortly after reading his article in Play Boy, yet again random (I never read play boy...but I stopped by a friends and it was hanging out screaming READ ME.) Anyways I loved it, probably one of the best interviews I've ever read in my lifetime...well for now. He was pretty entertaining, real, and just darn fun to read. He likes Hey Monday, which I recently got a chance to see them up in Lawrence: see below we are just singing and dancing around. Fun random pics are the best!
oops. I don't have that pic or my laptop with me...I will have to track it down. TBPL= to be posted later.
Oh wait, the reason why I'm posting was to tell you his twitter said "she left me roses by the stairs..." He went to bed and then like thirty minutes later Travis from blink was in that plane crash. WEIRD.
Well, I just realized how lame this post is. No pics, I'm blogging about another guys blog....I guess what I'm trying to say is I hope Pete and Ash break up so he can write bad ass lyrics like take this to your grave. Kidding!!!! I wish them happiness ;)
So I will leave you with my favorite Pete Quote: I can't be talked off a ledge. "Everything's going to be fine" is one of the most annoying parts of Americana. Let me feel shitty. That's the thing--we don't let people feel shitty.
love it.
bobbie pin me to the wall.
wordle art by: me!
I’ve been super sick first with the flu, then with a terrible cold, now allergies.
So, I’ve been sleeping A LOT.
Other than sleeping I’ve been: making up dance classes, working, and avoiding homework.
I’m finally feeling better!
I’ve also been cleaning and organizing my room, I have a box full of papers, old books, and crap that I need to desperately sort through and get rid of.
Teaching dance and homework is on the list of to-dos tonight.
Oh how I wish I only worked part time… Stupid bills! Maybe that will change soon ;) hopefully by summer.
I’m ready to start creating fun stuff for Christmas gifts, I have some great ideas.
I told myself that I’m not buying or making a Halloween costume this year, but, Alice in Wonderland does sound lovely.
You know how you click on blogs, click on websites, click, click, and then click and then you end up at some amazing websites, and then you can’t even remember how you got there. I did that today and stumbled upon uppercasegallery.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Seriously, bored at work.
Did the world end and not take me along?
Work is so dead.
Not one patients since after lunch.
Is anyone out there??
I’ve had some serious thinking time today.
Here are my ideas:
1.Join the peace corps
2.Work on a cruise ship this summer
3.Maybe wait, skip the two above and wake until my cbc gets higher ;)
4.finish school
5.Move to Lawrence and finish school at ku
6.Start rocking out on the drums again.
7.Download This Providence CD when I get home on i-tunes.
8.Go get a cherry lime aid after work.
9.This list is getting out of control. I’ll stop.
I’m super excited about jacks mannequin new cd: The Glass Passenger. I’ve honestly only known about him for about a year & half maybe two years now.
I guess I’ve been stuck in a hole.
Don’t ask.
I’ve gone through some changes and I’m way cooler now, I listen to the most incredible bands and lyrics known to man kind. Ha!
I guess I could also blame it on being stuck in Kansas, but I’m now more cultured.
It’s okay, its kind of like Christmas when you find great lyrics & bands or people you didn’t know about. You have like three or four or EVEN more CD’S to obsess over, no waiting involved.
I now have a new addition to my office; A coffee pot. Congratulating me would seriously be an understatement. The coffee pot is out of this world, its brand new, and the best part: it was free. My mom’s friend Mary was getting rid of it because her husband likes to pull the pot out in the middle of it making fresh pot of coffee, and place his coffee cup under as it drips. Apparently this smart little machine locks the pot in while it is brewing. Mary’s husband might have a weird habit, maybe not ha-ha, but yay for me!

I don’t know how or why but I received a Sundance catalog. I wish I could buy everything, but I’m a poor college student. So, I’m thinking about making some stuff similar to below and hitting up Kay Wiggins for the pieces!

I went to The Cab concert on Saturday up in Lawrence at the bottleneck. Live music rocks my socks, I’m a band nerd, always have been always will be. When the time is right I really want to move there.
I’ve been surrounding by people with strep throat, hey! It’s my job, and I’m finally trying really hard to come down with it. I hope I can kick it before the weekend.
Tonight is homework night, lots of reading, quizzes, and lectures.
I’m also hitting up shutterfly after this weekend so hopefully I can set down and actually make a few more pages. I can at least handle making one page a week right ;) RIGHT.....
Friday, September 12, 2008
Have you heard? Kansas is the new Seattle.
Bessie, (That’s the name of my little grandma car I drive) is totally badass. She’s been with me since my first year of college and is still kicking. She went swimming today, and she’s not very found of water. I even called work about twenty minutes before eight, letting them know I would probably be late; because just on a normal day, Kellogg is always backed up. Let’s just say I thought Bessie and I were going to drown at one point in time on a side street; so I drove half on the curb/someone’s yard until I could go no further due to a mailbox. We made it; we even made it on time! I was thankful and dry, Bessie was hyperventilating a little. Shorty after I arrived my mom called me and said C-town is even flooding so badly, people can’t get to work now! She called to tell me I might be stuck up here!
Of course I don’t have my camera with me to take all these action shots. So, I borrowed a photo from kake.

In other news not obsessing with weather:
I went shopping last night and bought a ton of goodies at target; some comfy shirts, a sweater….All so stylish and cheap. I also purchased a couple shirts, a pair of peacock earrings, and a peacock bangle from Von Maur. =)
I have a ton of homework, but if I can make it home; today would be the perfect day to scrapbook in-between.
I love this girl’s collection of photographs.
Peace out,
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

- The Cab concert is this Saturday in lawrence
- Looking forward to teaching my dance company on Thursday.
- Ready for a nap!
Mary-Kate Olsen is my emergency contact

I think you know when you’re maturing, when you get excited about seasonal coffee blends, particularly the pumpkin coffee-mate, pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks, pumpkin pancakes, and the new fall scented candles. I really, really, dig fall and pumpkin flavored stuff if you can’t tell. All random photo's today are from flickr or free people.

Last night I went to Dillon’s, really late, it was more of a chips, hummus, and salsa run. While I was there I discovered a few things I really miss: Black and white film, stress balls, cookies with nuts mixed in them.
I use to be so involved in photography in high school; from yearbook staff to advanced photography classes. I couldn’t get enough of the dark room located in our homey art room. Random thought: What is it about art studios? They’re so messy in an inspiring way, not cluttered I can’t think way. My first job was teaching dance, and after my first paycheck I bought a really nice camera. Anyways, I remember stating the fact that I would never, ever, convert to digital. I never wanted a digital camera. EVER. Now, I can’t even remember the last time I used my film camera. I would like to start taking more black and white film photographs. Plus, I have a secret obsession with negatives, and I still want a dark room of my own someday.
Stress balls: they just feel good.
Cookies w/ nuts: they’re just so tasty, tasty.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
I love fall.
I love the smell of fall.
I love being warm and comfy.
I love rainy days like today.
I love drinking hot coffee and driving home on rainy days like today!
I can't wait to get off work!
Now go check out:
Lovely clothes.
Lovely sewing ideas.